The We Piddle Around Theater is what the Cracker Barrel tries to be, but can’t.
Cause the We Piddle Around Theater is REAL!
Andy Offutt Irwin, storyteller

We Piddle Around Theater

Home of Alabama’s Official Folk Life Play

“Come Home, It’s Suppertime©”

A Jewel in the Lapel of Pike County

The We Piddle Around Theater is housed in the former Brundidge City Hall building that was built in 1940 as a Works Project Administration (WPA) project.

The WPA provided jobs for those who desperately needed and wanted to work. However, the WPA workers gained the reputation, rightly or wrongly so, of folks “just piddling around” rather than putting in a full day’s hard work. The WPA was, therefore, dubbed “We Piddle Around.”

When the Brundidge Historical Society was considering names for the theater, many suggestions were made but none so fitting as the We Piddle Around Theater. A good bit of piddlin’ and a whole lot of hard work has gone into the theater and its original folk life play, “Come Home, It’s Suppertime.”

We hope that those who share these nights with use leave believing all the piddlin’ has been worthwhile.

 From the sawdust on the floor to the paintings on the wall, to the delicious food served up family style, the Brundidge Historical Society obviously knows, instinctively, that the public can be effectively reached through all its senses and created the perfect aesthetic atmosphere for preserving Alabama’s valuable folk heritage. The We Piddle Around Theater is a jewel in the lapel of Pike County.
Wiley White, former member of the Alabama State Council on the Arts.